
Professional Clinician Since 2014

The bay gelding cantered smoothly around the arena, the mecate reins attached to his bridle gently swinging back and forth to the steady rhythm of his gait. The silver-haired woman on his back grinned from ear to ear, and to Certified Clinician Jeff Davis, at that moment, there wasn´t a prettier picture.



Private Lessons

Jeff brings personalized instruction directly to you and your horse.

  • $2,500 per day (minimum of 3 days).
  • In addition, the host will be responsible for all of the clinician’s costs, including travel expenses, meals and lodging.
  • Up to 10 participants.

Download a private lesson application now.

3-Day Clinics

In-depth instruction of the exercises and topics covered in the Fundamentals, Intermediate and Advanced Series as well as the Colt Starting, Foal Training, Trick Training and Trail Riding Series.

  • $1,000 per person for the entire 3 days.
  • Limited to 12 participants.

Download a public clinic application now.